Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Just a Quick Update

Joy has been working very hard lately. She sits to let people pet her, tells me when she has to "busy", and (for the most part) comes when I call her. However, there are still a couple of things she has to learn. Like not chewing on things that aren't hers. Joy LOVES to put things in her mouth. If it's not something she's supposed to be chewing on, I tell her, "NO" and she freezes, with the object still in her mouth, like this:

No hand sanitizer for you!

Speaking of things in Joy's mouth, she aboslutely LOVES to chew on her tail and leash! Does anyone else have this problem? I (along with others) have often been beaten by a soaking wet dog tail. It's pretty disgusting.

 "Stop chewing on your tail!"

The socializing is going very well also. We've been to malls, restaurants, grocery stores, and lots more! We know we frequent a place when we're greeted by a chorus of, "Hey look, it's Joy!"

Joy takes a quick Superdog nap while waiting for us to order

But who wouldn't love this face? I'll put up another, longer, post soon, as soon as we do something interesting.

Peace, Love, Joy :)

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